Tea Masterclass - Green Tea

TICKET ONLY - this is a digital product and does not require shipping.

Tea Masterclass - Green Tea

Regular price $16.49

Many of us have experienced a dire cup of green tea made with an industrially processed tea bag - it might have even put you off green tea altogether. In our latest masterclass Henrietta will dispell the notion that all green tea is a bitter experience.

We will celebrate the extraordinary breadth of flavour and deliciousness of beautifully crafted green teas from across the world, exploring how different terroirs can radically affect flavour. You'll learn about the farms and farmers who made them and how the crafting of the leaf reveals very different characteristics.

We’ll taste the beautifully fragrant Waikato Green Tea, our longstanding Green Tea & Mint blend, roasted Hojicha from Japan, and Henrietta’s revolutionary green tea blend - 21st Century Breakfast. Join Henrietta and Holly as we experience our way through a true adventure of green tea. Not just of flavours but of the people and places that lovingly grow and craft these amazing leaves into pure deliciousness.

Pick up the bundle with every tea featured in the tasting and get the ticket to this masterclass absolutely free.


A Green Tea Masterclass streamed online, hosted by Henrietta Lovell (the Tea Lady) and Holly from Rare Tea.


Sunday 19th of March 5:30pm (GMT) for 60 - 90 minutes (including questions and answers).

(CET 6:30pm, EST 12:30pm, CST 11.30am, MST 10.30am, PST 9.30am.)


We'll be privately streaming the event via Zoom, the link to access will be sent the same day of the event.

Don't worry if you don't have exactly these teas - the Masterclass will be generalized knowledge for loose leaf green tea across the board.

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